Friday, November 18, 2011


Well, the new carpeting is in.   I have some data wiring to complete, but that is coming along as well.   Thanks to Cheri, we have a few new pictures to share.

Come in the Door and go up the newly carpeted stairs.

The Front Bedroom is done... still some work needed on the data cable there, but I've been working on them as I find the time.

Here's looking out of the front bedroom toward the Master Bedroom

Looking in the Master Bedroom - we had a visitor!
Actually... more than one visitor.

The Girls were having fun with our closet organizer shelves before we got them hung.

Meanwhile.. downstairs, the guest bedroom is almost ready for guests.
As is the guest bath.

Meanwhile, we've cleaned up the floors in the living and dining room, only to find they were in pretty rough shape as far as the finish is concerned.   That's tonight's project.   I'm going to try to get a couple of coats of poly on them.  That will take 24 hours to dry and almost a full week to "cure" but we will still be able to move into the bedroom upstairs (after tomorrow) as well as get things moved into the basement.   We won't have time to move furniture into the living / dining room until after next week anyway.

Friday, November 4, 2011


We couldn't resist.   The kitchen is close enough to being done, that  when we had to make Pasties (a traditional Welsh meal) for the Eleven-Eleven club lunch, I decided we should do it at 414.   We had cleaned up the kitchen last night, and decided to give the stove a whirl.

The Washer & Dryer in position
The rest of the house is coming along well.  Final woodwork is being stained for later installation (thanks Jonathon!)  A few windows and doorways to stain in place, some walls to repair (three) painting to do (two rooms) and we are ready to move in!  (That of course, discounts the cleaning that has to occur, and the carpet for the stairs / upstairs which is to occur the week after next.)   Meanwhile, we should be able to move into the downstairs (kitchen and guest bedroom) as soon as we can clean and find time.