Friday, October 28, 2011

Pictoral Update - Getting closer

I finally took some time to take pictures.  Lots of detail work / painting yet to do, but the final cupboard should have been delivered today, so beginning Monday, things should start happening to finish the kitchen and the addition.
Coming up the back hall.  

Island toward the dining room.    

I know... but I LIKE white appliances!

A functioning downstairs bathroom!

The walk in shower with Rain shower head.

Meanwhile on the way upstairs....

The dining room - KILZed(tm)

The living room in similar condition.  No more "smokey gray".
The place doesn't smell of smoke anymore....  just KILZ.

The final door (the closet in the closet door) being prepared.

The view in the other direction.  Baseboard trim and the window trim yet to go.

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